Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Interspecies Interactions & That Big-Ass Ship in the Harbor

I've noticed a family of 7-8 large, plump, glossy crows feeding every evening outside my window at work- they've recently been joined by a young squirrel who forages in the same 50 square foot area. The most entertaining aspect of this is watching the crows observe the squirrel finding something, one will walk over to investigate, and the squirrel gets very vocal and aggressive and chases the crow away. This goes on until the crows kind of give up, move away, but still keep an eye on the squirrel.

Last Friday, I was treated to the fabulous sight of a ginormous cruise ship sitting in New London Harbor as I drove in to work. I thought I was seeing buildings I hadn't noticed before, and then I realized it was a ship- amazing piece of engineering. I'm sure the equally ginornmous swan defending the public beach from the daily onslaught of children was similarly impressed.

Re: Kate the Great 'tagging' me, some little-known facts about me - some may even be true:

1. If I could stomach removing organs from corpses, I'd be a forensic toxicologist.
2. I've taken many hours of flying lessons but have not obtained my pilot's license.
3. My favorite two cities in the world are Montreal and Edinburgh.
4. I love the ocean.
5. My first job was grinding glass pieces for a stained glass artist.
6. My love of the visual arts was cemented by viewing the Winged Victory of Samothrace at the Louvre. To this day, I can recall the room, the sculpture, the temperature and the smell.

Congrats to the joey Zone for participating in the Mystic Seaport Dick-a-thon!
Moby Dickathon, that is....


C. Margery Kempe said...

Hey, that's only six... and did you tag anyone else ;-)

Fun facts for sure! Things I did and did not know. Always more to learn.

CL said...

I didn't know you flew airplanes.

C. Margery Kempe said...

I knew! I've even heard some of the stories about it. All the things we still learn about folks after all these years.

Did you know I went to charm school when I was 11? HA HA -- didn't take, eh? What was my mother thinking? Oh yeah, that I was somehow going to be more girly.

The Queen said...

Charm school?! How old skool is that? I will say you do have incredible poise, so something worked! :) At least it wasn't the girly bit!

And, yes, only 6 things- my peeps pretty much know everything about me,and if my friends don't know something about me, it's not something I'd commit to a blog.

C. Margery Kempe said...

I owe my poise completely to my cool Finnish blood (and my posture to ballet and gymnastics). The charm school was run by the hometown department store and ended with a fashion show. How very odd... they even made us walk with books on our heads. I seemed destined for the foreign service!

The Queen said...

Ballet AND gymnastics? Wow.

So, do I need to install a barre in the AA*?

*Best DAMN tiki bar in CT