Sunday, October 28, 2007

Boojumhaus Hallowe'en Extravaganza 2007!

What better way to celebrate Hallowe'en than at the Boojums? Good friends, good food, great costumes, friendly rivalry with costumes! This year's Supreme Costume Master was Raggedy Andy Warhol. 'Twas a frightfully weird ensemble....

Among the fab get-ups were Baron Samedi, Wolf, Candy Corn, Donner Party-of-One, Shriners, Man in a Shower (3rd place winner), Tippi Hedren from 'The Birds' (2nd place winner) and more! Our host and hostess looked superb as always, respectively dressed as a clown and a belly dancer.

Both the host and myself were congratulated for landing new jobs by the Shriners bringing cake & champagne!

Cranky Yankee's photos here!


C. Margery Kempe said...

Pictures, pictures! We not only didn't take any pictures, but we forgot our camera at the Boojums.

CL said...

I'm sending your camera asap!!

The Queen said...

The pictures, he is posted!

CL said...

Blessed Samhain to you!!

The Queen said...

Blessed Samhain to you all and all a good fright night!

Now, should I wear the red or green devil horns to work today....?