Monday, September 17, 2007

Update - New England Tiki Tour Photos

New England Tiki Tour 2007

Most of the photos were taken at the first few stops of the Tour.....

Thanks to my pootie-pie, Johnny von 10X for the pics!


Anonymous said...

*p00tie-pie*? ;P

anyh00--nice pic of Leiany? Luke l00kin sauced--er, SWANK! ;D

The Queen said...

Actually, he was finely marinated....

C. Margery Kempe said...

Arrrrrrrrr -- they be fine photos!

CL said...

What are the ingredients in pootie-pie?

The Queen said...

Um, Pootie Pie is half hairy chest/half big blue yes/half incredible loyalty/half a ten-mile high heart & soul/half humor.

And half-baked, of course.


C. Margery Kempe said...

I think (fractionally) you have an overabundance of pootie pie there...

At least a pootie and a half!

The Queen said...

Well, a pootie and a half is better thatn NO pootie at all...I think.